This is really sad to hear that women still continues to be subject to abuse and oppression in our society. When I see 25, 000 abused women and children are seeking safe heaven than I would say there is something wrong with our equality system and definitely everyone is not benefiting from it particularly women and children. This is a very large number. The recent report shows abuse and oppression against women in Alberta continues to rise. In 2006 “Alberta shelters received nearly 100,000 crisis calls and had nearly 50 per cent increase in the last three years (CBC News). This is something need to be looked at very closely due to its large number and also because of its higher rate prior to last year. This shows that women still continues to be dominated by men socially and economically in this country and they are still subject to discrimination, abuse and oppression. Canada regardless of its domestic violence against women is accusing other countries for lack of human rights and gender discrimination. Canada has sponsored UN resolution against Iran condemning ongoing systematic violations of human rights. This is great and I am very proud of the Canadian protecting human rights beyond its borders. They should not cover and hide their own crisis. The UNICEF Canada reported last Tuesday “about one in six Canadian children live in poverty” a number unchanged in a generation" (CBC News).
Women and children in this country just like any other country in the world are suffering from oppression, abuse and discrimination. Canada needs to fix its own problems first protect women and children within its border from abuse and oppression. The Alberta Council of Women's Shelters reported on Wednesday that “25,000 women and children were turned away from Alberta's 41 women's shelters in 2006, an increase of 28 per cent from the year before” (CBC News). This is clearly shows that there is a troubling trend. Are more women being abused or do more want to break free? Our equality system is not serving a particular group of our community and they are still subject to abuse and oppression. It shows that our system does not serve one member of our society and they are still oppressed, abused, and discriminated against.